We have created The “Talent Developmental Center” which is a part of our long term vision that focused on developing great soccer player and not winning games. This program is an essential choice for talented players ages 4 – 7 who are looking for a more engaging and demanding environment to pursue soccer as their sport of choice and move to the next level.
This program offers during FALL, WINTER and SPRING season of each year, designed to identify and develop great players with a quick and complex execution of technical and tactical elements that become automatic and subconscious through repetition
Through this process , a player can have more time to think and will make better and more creative decisions during play. Enrollment to this program is upon selection from our regular weekly classes. By accepting a spot for this program, parents and players MUST commit for the whole year in order to limit performance regression and develop players coordination and technical development successfully and constantly to become the best players they can possibly be.